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We are a virtual law firm able to help our clients without the added expense of brick-and-mortar offices. Meet the team:

Toby Adams, Esq.
Senior Attorney​

Toby Adams brings to the table a rich blend of life experience and legal experience and has been practicing family law and estate planning since 2012. As a queer and disabled woman she is passionate about bringing culturally competent legal services to non-traditional families.


Toby graduated with Distinction from University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law and earned her MBA at San Jose State University. She interned at several prestigious non-profits including NCLR, Transgender Law Center, and the Disability Project at Legal Aid at Work, and has filed Amicus briefs in Federal Appellate and Supreme Court LGBTQIA+ rights cases.

Toby's LinkedIn Profile


Allegra Pescatore
Office Manager

Allegra Pescatore is an author and 'office mom' extraordinaire. She grew up in a small village in northern Tuscany as the daughter of two artists and has five published novels with more to be released in 2023. As a disabled woman and staunch LGBTQ ally she adds her cultural competency to the collaborative and organizational expertise that allows her to keep this law firm running smoothly.

Allegra's Facebook Page

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Ligia Campos
Paralegal Intern

Ligia Campos is a passionate legal professional currently on her last semester of an ABA-approved Paralegal Studies Certificate at San Francisco State University. She holds a Master’s Degree in Family and Childhood Law and earned her Law Degree in Nicaragua,  equipping her with the skills and capability to address matters related to family structures with a particular passion for human rights and social justice.


Fluent in both English and Spanish, Ligia brings a multicultural perspective to serve diverse communities effectively. Ligia helps with client onboarding, legal document drafting, court filing, and research.​​​

Kalen Adams
Filing Clerk

Kalen Adams has experience working with the nonbinary and polyam communities as a Pride booth volunteer. She currently works full-time as a paraeducator for neurodiverse middle school students, and helps out at the firm during school breaks. As a queer, autistic, gender-fluid person Kalen fits right in with the firm's commitment to serving disabled, queer, trans, and polyam clients. Kalen provides the 'boots on the ground' services of mailing, delivering, scanning, and filing for our virtual team.

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