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Disclaimer: Providing links to the following articles does not constitute legal advice or an endorsement of the authors or their firms. Note the dates published, as legal advances may have occurred since articles were written.
Legal Challenges Facing Nontraditional Individuals and Relationships
Toby Adams (BCBC Talkshow Video) March 2018 Segment 2A and Segment 2B
Why US Laws Must Expand Beyond The Nuclear Family
Diana Adams (TED Talk Video) November 2021
What Polyamorous & Multi-Parent Families Should Do To Protect Their Rights
Diana Adams (New York City) December 11, 2018
But, I’m on the Birth Certificate! Why a Birth Certificate Alone Is Not Sufficient Protection for Your Legal Parentage Rights
Amira Hasenbush (Southern California) October 15, 2018
Non-binary gender – What’s in it for me?
Toby Adams, March 18, 2017
We’re Asking the Supreme Court to End Bi Erasure
Toby Adams, March 5, 2015
Intersex Rights: How sex classification makes millions of Americans “strangers to the law”
Toby Adams, April 17, 2013
Paper Walls – your neighbors know if you are working for a good marriage
Toby Adams, April 13, 2013
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